Dres Iribarren & Asoc.


16岁时立志学医,并全心投入学习,在1976年我23岁时以优异的成绩从布宜诺斯艾利斯大学医学院毕业。与此同时我患上了轻微近视,我在晚上看不清公交车号。当时我以为这是学习太多所致 (哦,祖奶奶们都是这样说的)


1995年我的父亲(亦是我的眼科导师)去世时,我已经从多年的行医看诊和治疗患者的过程中获得了丰富的专业经验。随着互联网的普及,我得以即时获取所有关于近视的国际研究资讯。我结识了德国的Frank Schaeffel教授、加拿大的Bill Stell教授和澳大利亚的Ian Morgan教授,他们均投身于关于近视的动物研究,试图干预近视发展中的动物以防止近视加剧。这预示着通过药物(即我们现在使用的药物)来防止近视的可能性。我开始积极投入这一研究方向。我与弗洛伦西亚·科蒂内斯(Florencia Cortinez)和何塞·奇亚普(José P. Chiappe)一起研究统计了阿根廷的近视患者人口,并在著名的《布宜诺斯艾利斯医学杂志》上发表了研究成果。




我没有博士学位,没有基金会,没有学术头衔,但我将毕生所学和精力全部投入于近视及其成因的研究,是专业领域里公认的研究近视的专家。如果你想拓宽自己在这些问题上的知识见闻,请给我发WhatsApp,我们安排一次聊天。我的WhatsApp+54 9 11 5147-9312.

For donations contact



Cohen Y, I.R., Solomon AS, Stone RA, 2014a. Environmental Alteration of Crystalline Lens Power by Light During Refractive Development in Chicks. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55.

Cohen Y, I.R., Solomon AS, Stone RA, 2014b. Environmental Alteration of Crystalline Lens Power by Light During Refractive Development in Chicks. . Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55.

Cortinez, M.F., Chiappe, J.P., Iribarren, R., 2008. Prevalence of refractive errors in a population of office-workers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 15, 10-16.

Chiappe, J.P., Nahum, P., Casiraghi, J.F., Iribarren, R., 2015. Prevalence of disc cupping in non-glaucomatous eyes. Medicina 75, 6-10.

Fernández Irigaray L, B.A., Armesto A, Magnetto I, Szeps A, Iribarren LR, Iribarren R, Grzybowski A., 2021. Outdoor exposure in children from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Archivos Sociedad Española de Oftalmologia in press.

Galan MM, T.W., Iribarren R., 2021. El rol de la longitud axial y la queratometría en el seguimiento de niños miopes Oftalmologia Clinica y Experimental 14.

Grzybowski, A., Armesto, A., Szwajkowska, M., Iribarren, G., Iribarren, R., 2015. The Role of Atropine Eye Drops in Myopia Control. Current pharmaceutical design 21, 4718-4730.

Grzybowski, A., Iribarren, R., Iribarren, G., Honda, S., 2017. Oral Bisphosphonates and Risk of Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol 176, 255.

Hashemi, H., Asharlous, A., Khabazkhoob, M., Iribarren, R., Khosravi, A., Yekta, A., Emamian, M.H., Fotouhi, A., 2020. The Effect of Cyclopentolate on Ocular Biometric Components. Optom Vis Sci 97, 440-447.

Hashemi, H., Iribarren, R., Morgan, I.G., Khabazkhoob, M., Mohammad, K., Fotouhi, A., 2010. Increased hyperopia with ageing based on cycloplegic refractions in adults: the Tehran Eye Study. Br J Ophthalmol 94, 20-23.

Hashemi, H., Khabazkhoob, M., Iribarren, R., Emamian, M.H., Fotouhi, A., 2016. Five-year change in refraction and its ocular components in the 40- to 64-year-old population of the Shahroud eye cohort study. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 44, 669-677.

Hashemi, H., Pakzad, R., Iribarren, R., Khabazkhoob, M., Emamian, M.H., Fotouhi, A., 2018. Lens power in Iranian schoolchildren: a population-based study. Br J Ophthalmol 102, 779-783.

Iribarren, R., 2003. Darkness and myopia progression. Ophthalmology 110, 1070-1071; author reply 1071-1072.

Iribarren, R., 2008. Tropicamide and myopia progression. Ophthalmology 115, 1103-1104; author reply 1104.

Iribarren, R., 2015. Crystalline lens and refractive development. Prog Retin Eye Res 47, 86-106.

Iribarren, R., Balsa, A., Armesto, A., Chiaradia, P., Despontin, L., Fornaciari, A., Pfortner, T., 2005. Family history of myopia is not related to the final amount of refractive error in low and moderate myopia. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 33, 274-278.

Iribarren, R., Bonthoux, F.F., Pfortner, T., Chiaradia, P., Stell, W.K., 2012a. Corneal power is correlated with anterior chamber diameter. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53, 3788-3791.

Iribarren, R., Cortinez, M.F., Chiappe, J.P., 2009. Age of first distance prescription and final myopic refractive error. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 16, 84-89.

Iribarren, R., Cortinez, M.F., Chiappe, J.P., 2010. Age of first distance spectacle prescription for manifest hyperopia. Current eye research 35, 385-388.

Iribarren, R., Fornaciari, A., Hung, G.K., 2001. Effect of cumulative nearwork on accommodative facility and asthenopia. International ophthalmology 24, 205-212.

Iribarren, R., Hashemi, H., Khabazkhoob, M., Morgan, I.G., Emamian, M.H., Shariati, M., Fotouhi, A., 2015a. Hyperopia and Lens Power in an Adult Population: The Shahroud Eye Study. Journal of ophthalmic & vision research 10, 400-407.

Iribarren R, I.G., 2012. Prevalence Of Myopic Shifts In Patients Seeking Cataract Surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53.

Iribarren R, I.G., Fornaciari A, 2002. Accommodation, phoria and covergence in computer users. Medicina 62, 141-144.

Iribarren, R., Iribarren, G., 2013. Prevalence of myopic shifts among patients seeking cataract surgery. Medicina 73, 207-212.

Iribarren, R., Iribarren, G., Castagnola, M.M., Balsa, A., Cerrella, M.R., Armesto, A., Fornaciari, A., Pfortner, T., 2002a. Family history and reading habits in adult-onset myopia. Current eye research 25, 309-315.

Iribarren, R., Iribarren, G., Fornaciari, A., 2002b. [Visual function study in work with computer]. Medicina 62, 141-144.

Iribarren, R., Midelfart, A., Kinge, B., 2015b. Lens power loss in early adulthood. Acta Ophthalmol 93, e233-234.

Iribarren, R., Morgan, I.G., Chan, Y.H., Lin, X., Saw, S.M., 2012b. Changes in lens power in Singapore Chinese children during refractive development. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53, 5124-5130.

Iribarren, R., Morgan, I.G., Hashemi, H., Khabazkhoob, M., Emamian, M.H., Shariati, M., Fotouhi, A., 2014a. Lens power in a population-based cross-sectional sample of adults aged 40 to 64 years in the Shahroud Eye Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55, 1031-1039.

Iribarren, R., Morgan, I.G., Nangia, V., Jonas, J.B., 2012c. Crystalline lens power and refractive error. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 53, 543-550.

Iribarren, R., Rozema, J.J., Schaeffel, F., Morgan, I.G., 2014b. Calculation of crystalline lens power in chickens with a customized version of Bennett’s equation. Vision Res 96, 33-38.

Jonas, J.B., Iribarren, R., Nangia, V., Sinha, A., Pardhi, P., Shukla, R., Panda-Jonas, S., 2015. Lens Position and Age: The Central India Eye and Medical Study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56, 5309-5314.

Kotlik C, Z.R., Szeps A, Impagliazzo R, De Tomas M, Iribarren R., 2021. Miopía y deportes al aire libre en estudiantes universitarios de Mendoza, Argentina. Oftalmologia Clinica y Experimental 14.

Li, S.M., Iribarren, R., Kang, M.T., Li, H., Li, S.Y., Liu, L.R., Sun, Y.Y., Meng, B., Zhan, S.Y., Rozema, J.J., Wang, N., 2016a. Corneal Power, Anterior Segment Length and Lens Power in 14-year-old Chinese Children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Scientific reports 6, 20243.

Li, S.M., Iribarren, R., Kang, M.T., Li, H., Li, S.Y., Liu, L.R., Sun, Y.Y., Meng, B., Zhan, S.Y., Rozema, J.J., Wang, N., 2016b. Corrigendum: Corneal Power, Anterior Segment Length and Lens Power in 14-year-old Chinese Children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Scientific reports 6, 26919.

Li, S.M., Iribarren, R., Li, H., Kang, M.T., Liu, L., Wei, S.F., Stell, W.K., Martin, G., Wang, N., 2019. Intraocular pressure and myopia progression in Chinese children: the Anyang Childhood Eye Study. Br J Ophthalmol 103, 349-354.

Ma, Y., Lin, S., Morgan, I.G., Rozema, J.J., Iribarren, R., Zhu, J., Zhao, R., Zhang, B., Yin, Y., Shao, Y., He, X., Xu, X., Zou, H., 2021. Eyes grow towards mild hyperopia rather than emmetropia in Chinese preschool children. Acta Ophthalmol.

Morgan, I.G., Iribarren, R., Fotouhi, A., Grzybowski, A., 2015. Cycloplegic refraction is the gold standard for epidemiological studies. Acta Ophthalmol 93, 581-585.

O., C.Y.I.R.M.A.S.-B.N.B.E.H.C., 2021. The Ambient Light in Nursery School and Children’s Refraction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 62.

Picotti C, S.V., Fernandez Irigaray L, Morgan IG, Iribarren R., 2021. Myopia Progression in Children during COVID-19 Home Confinement in Argentina. Oftalmologia Clinica y Experimental in press.

Rozema, J., Dankert, S., Iribarren, R., Lanca, C., Saw, S.M., 2019a. Axial Growth and Lens Power Loss at Myopia Onset in Singaporean Children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 60, 3091-3099.

Rozema J, I.R., 2020. Oscillations in the normal refractive development of young children,. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 61.

Rozema, J.J., Sanchez, V., Artal, N., Gramajo, A.L., Torres, E., Luna, J.D., Iribarren, R., Tassignon, M.J., Juarez, C.P., 2015. Lens opacity based modelling of the age-related straylight increase. Vision Res 117, 25-33.

Rozema, J.J., Sun, W., Wu, J.F., Jiang, W.J., Wu, H., Lu, T.L., Hu, Y.Y., Chen, R., Guo, D.D., Wang, X.R., Dankert, S., Jonas, J.B., Iribarren, R., Tian, Q.M., Bi, H.S., 2019b. Differences in ocular biometry between urban and rural children matched by refractive error: the Shandong Children Eye Study. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 39, 451-458.

Sanchez V, I.R., Latino SG, Torres VE, Gramajo AL, Artal ME, Yadarola MB, Garay PR, Luna JD, Juarez CP., 2011. Refractive Errors Survey In Older Adults In An Argentinean City. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 52.

Sanchez V, I.R., Latino SG, Torres VE, Gramajo AL, Artal ME, Yadarola MB, Garay PR, Luna JD, Juarez CP., 2016. Prevalence of refractive errors in Villa Maria, Córdoba, Argentina. Eye Science 31, 68-77.